Eras of My Life - Fragility
An Installation of photographs, fabric, stone, water, illuminated eggshells,an object of feathers,light and sound
A Performance:
Heritage - Time Line of the Earth
Eras of my life - Fragility (2007) was an artwork which consisted of transparent and light reflecting fabric interiors, a few objects, photographs and sounds of water dripping from an invisible container in the ceiling.
My aim was to present an intimate mental space in a form of a spatial artwork, and the viewer as a part of it. It was possible to move around and between the transparent walls which reflected the light coming outside through the large windows.
Outside, in the street which represented a public space, the time line of the Earth, a 25 meter long fabric line was layed down in a performance 'Heritage - Time Line of the Earth'.
Outside, in the street which represented a public space, the time line of the Earth, a long fabric line was layed down in a performance 'Heritage - Time Line of the Earth'.
In the performans the natural history periods of the Earth and the Universe were presented as a 25 meter long fabric line laid down on the street in front of the gallery.
The aim of the performance was to remind of the very short period of human and hominid existence in proportion to the preceding periods; within a 25 meter long line it means less than 1 cm of the line.
The performance was an environmental statement on not forgetting the long historical roots of the Earth, on the fragility of ecosystems and on saving the diversity of nature for the future. The Time Line was left on the street. It functioned as an installation during the exhibition.